Open Mic
Meet Authors, Poets and Illustrators
Next Open Mic
Thursday 5th September
Guest Performer Mel Neads
Melanie Neads is a poet, playwright and dramaturge from Salford whose poetry collection with Sarah Miller, Selkie Singing at the Passing Place, was Best Collaborative Work runner-up at the Saboteur Awards. Her plays have won the Forever Manchester Award, been shortlisted for the Shelagh Delaney Award, and performed on radio by victims of youth crime for Live from Worktown’s Standing Together community project. Melanie co-founded the Pavilion Theatre Company in Bolton, was Drama Co-ordinator for Salford Young People’s University, and is a tantric and somatic yoga teacher and award-winning Special Educational Needs teacher. She has taught and lived in Australia, India, Poland, Israel and the USA – experiences which infuse her work. Her new collection of univocalic poetry and plays, Euphoria, will be published by Flapjack Press in September 2024.
Encouraging local writers, poets and storytellers to share their work on an open platform
Glossop Bookfest hosts monthly Open Mic events. Our aim is to attract, encourage and promote local writers such as poets and storytellers to share their work on an open platform. We understand that for many writers this can be a daunting challenge, but they needn’t worry as the audience and fellow performers are an appreciative and welcoming group who will support their efforts.
Contact organiser/host Andy at
First Thursday every month
7.30-9.30 p.m
at Glossop Labour Club
(accessible, friendly, cheap drinks!)
Contact organiser/host Andy at